

SOVA PLM Fórum 2014 Tále, Slovakia

2014. October 30. Categories: News category

PLM Forum 2014 Tale2graphIT visited the SOVA PLM Fórum 2014 in Tále, Slovakia to present the vision of the Closed Loop Quality Management Lifecycle of the Siemens PLM product portfolio. The presentation and live software demonstration had a great success, lot of interest and questions followed.

PLM Europe – Closed Loop Quality Management

2014. October 9. Categories: News category

PLM Europe 2014graphIT, as the distributor of the Siemens PLM Quality Management products in the CEE region and cadIT as the West European distributor, performed a presentation about Quality Management for all of the European audience on the PLM Connection Europe in Berlin, where all the European Siemens related PLM companies and larger customers were present.